Marines...Toys for Tots program

As a community we are very lucky to be around some of the most wonderful people you will find. Loving and caring for humans and animals. Dogs are what bring us all together and we work together as a group at many events to give back to some great charities. Each winter we do a very popular and well-funded “Toys for Tots” toy and funds drive. The Marines have been gracious enough to join us with their color guard ceremony and we are all so moved and touched by it. It feels great to make a difference for the children and the Marines are amazing as well.

Helping to fight K9 Cancer!
We also work as a great team among so many people in our network to help raise funds for Morris Animal Foundation. Each fall they have a local K9 Cancer walk in Elk Grove Park. I’m so proud to be the captain of this team, as we have been the highest funded team for a number of years and we bring the spirit with us too. So many of us have been touched by K9 cancer. It changes your life with a dog companion as it does with a human. It is immeasurably difficult to lose an animal this way as you often find out way to late and there is so much less you can often do for your animals. Of course they can’t tell you when there is something wrong either which makes early detection harder. Morris Animal Foundation has been doing fantastic research for many, many years and we are proud that we can be a little bit of help in the fight to beat cancers in our beloved dogs.

Join us again in the future to continue the fundraising effort to help fight K9 Cancer.

SCAF is a locally started non-profit organization that we also raise funds for throughout the year. SCAF (Starfleet Canine Aid Foundation) was started to offer folks that have need of funds to help them offset the cost of medical treatments for their animals. Treatments for many things are very costly for our animals and can often devastate a family financially. Funds are always in need for this organization as the demand is constant and there are so many folks that could really use the help. Countless folks have received the help and as we always say - every bit sure helps.
Do you buy items on Amazon?...You could help your doggie friends while you get the things you already buy. Amazon has a charitable program where you can purchase your products and have 0.5% donated to the non-profit of your choice. Click the Amazon logo and register SCAF as your non-profit of choice and lets help out our friends while we shop. Thanks!
And so much more is happening at WAG!